Critical factors of a successful enterprise resource planning system implementation ? Quantitative empirical results from Austria
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4. Kepler Business Seminar
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Enterprise resource planning system (ERPS) have become common in contemporary business management and there is a clear need for critical factors influencing a successful ERPS implementation. This paper aims to address this issue. Following resourced-based view (RBV) this paper examines the relationship between intangible resources (e.g. "top manage-ment support", "clear communication in the ERPS implementation") and a successful ERPS implementation. Based on a survey of Austrian companies, we find that companies with the influence of intangible resources (excluding the participation of the CIO) have implemented ERPS significantly more successful than companies without intangible resources. Surprisingly, our quantitative empirical results indicate that companies with the participation of the CIO during the implementation process have no significant influence on a successful ERPS implementation. The paper adds to the literature and the RBV by corroborating case-based evidence that intangible resources (e.g. ?top management support?, ?planning of ERPS implementation?, ?participation of an external consultant") influence a successful ERPS im-plementation.