Awareness as a Mechanism of Coordination in Planetary Scale Distributed Systems
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DisCoTec 2015: 10th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques
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Over the past two decades, Pervasive Computing research has shaped a wide spanning research area at the boundaries of computer science and behavioral science, with an impressive outreach to how humankind is experiencing information and communication technologies in every breath of an individuals life. It is observed that services with explicit user input and output are becoming to be replaced by a computing landscape sensing the physical world via a huge variety of sensors, and controlling it via a plethora of actuators. The nature and appearance of computing devices is changing to be hidden in the fabric of everyday life, invisibly networked, and omnipresent, with applications greatly being based on the notions of context and knowledge. Interaction with such globe spanning, modern ICT systems will presumably be more implicit, at the periphery of human attention, rather than explicit, i.e. at the focus of human attention. This shift in paradigm calls for ICT systems able to develop awareness. A crucial prerequisite of an ICT system to be "aware" is the ability to autonomously sense and perceive, recognize, and even anticipate phenomena and their consequences in the context of its operation. [...]
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