From Context Awareness to Socially Aware Computing
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This presentation will identify trends in research and technology that are indicative for the emerging symbiosis of society and technology. Fertilized by two diametrically opposed technology trends: (i) the miniaturization of information and communication electronics, and (ii) the exponential growth of global communication networks, the field has been undergoing three generations of research challenges: The first generation aiming towards autonomic systems and their adaptation was driven by the availability of technology to connect literally everything to everything (Connectedness, early to late nineties). The second generation inherited from the upcoming context recognition and knowledge processing technologies (Awareness, early twentyhundreds), e.g. context-awareness, self-awareness or resource-awareness. Finally, a third generation, building upon connectedness and awareness, attempts to exploit the (ontolo-gical) semantics of Pervasive / Ubiquitous Computing systems, services and interactions, i.e. giving meaning to situations and actions, and "intelligence" to systems (Smartness, from the mid twentyhundreds)...
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