On Multibody System Dynamics, Control and Optimization of State-of-the-Art Robots
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European Conference on Educational Robotics 2014
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A main trend in robot assisted automation industry is the wish to reduce process time, increase positioning accuracy and minimize material costs. Hence besides rigid robots lighweight ones rise in importance despite their drawback of coming along with structural elasticities.
As a basis for fulfilling these ambitious demands exact system knowledge is required, wherefore efficient techniques for modeling and identification of rigid and flexible multibody systems are introduced.
In order to improve position control of mobile and stationary robots, model-based and model-predictive control concepts are shown. For the special case of flexible systems, this is extended by vibration damping methods.
Based on this requirements, trajectory optimization utilizes the robots physical abilities with respect to minimum time/energy in order to fulfill a certain task, wherefore different strategies are shown. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods. Concluding insights to future research topics are given.
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