A Basic Study on the Response Dynamics of Pulse-Frequency Controlled Digital Hydraulic Drives
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ASME/BATH 2013 Symposium on Fluid Power & Motion Control - FPMC 2013
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Various control strategies in digital hydraulics have been proposed and studied so far. In hydraulic switching control Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) of one or two switching valves was mostly considered. This paper deals with Pulse Frequency Control (PFC) which - opposite to PWM - uses the pulse repeating
frequency and not the pulse width as control input. PFC may be to be preferred if the hydraulic switching device can realize a very particular pulse in a quite favorable way.
This paper studies the influences of the flow rate pulse shapes and of the pulse frequency on the overall system dynamics. Based on a dimensionless mathematical model of a simple linear hydraulic drive and on elementary performance requirements (e.g. overshooting and pressure pulsations) dimensioning rules are derived. In addition to a repeated pulsing single or just a few pulses are investigated. It turns out that particular
single or twin pulses can realize stepping motions of the drive without subsequent pulsations. In this way a hydraulic stepping drive can be realized. In case of repeated pulsing, high pulsing frequencies, in particular frequencies well above the natural frequency of the drive system, reduce oscillations considerably.
Such frequencies may be realized either by one high frequency pulse device or by several pulse devices which are arranged in parallel and are operated in a phase shifted mode.