3rd Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation (CLEF 2012)
Sprache des Tagungstitel:
Original Kurzfassung:
MusiClef is a multimodal music benchmarking initiative that
will be running a MediaEval 2012 Brave New Task on Multimodal Music
Tagging. This paper describes the setup of this task, showing how
it complements existing benchmarking initiatives and fosters less explored
methodological directions in Music Information Retrieval. MusiClef
deals with a concrete use case, encourages multimodal approaches
based on these, and strives for transparency of results as much as possible.
Transparency is encouraged at several levels and stages, from the
feature extraction procedure up to the evaluation phase, in which a dedicated
categorization of ground truth tags will be used to deepen the
understanding of the relation between the proposed approaches and experimental