International Conference on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines
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Original Kurzfassung:
Modelling and simulation needs adequate procedures. These can be devided
into the analytical and the synthetic methods the basis of which is the
Central Equation of Dynamics (1904/1988), derived from LAGRANGE?s
Principle (1764). The analytical methods [LAGRANGE (1780), MAGGI (1903),
HAMEL (1904)] thereby do not really meet the engineering needs. But the
Central Equation also leads to the synthetical method(s) which in its
most general representation is the Projection Equation (1988/2003).
Along with a RITZ series expansion it leads to an Order-n-Formalism for
flexible robots as the most powerful procedure, approximating also real
time demands (2008/2011). The historical data show a countinuous
development over the decades which makes mechanics an enjoyable and
inspiring science and reveals classical mechanics as modern as can be.
Applications at the end of the paper demonstrate once more its success.