Non-linearly Coupled Models for the Analysis of Profile and Flatness in Flat Rolling with particular emphasis on Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Laws
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The 13'th Mechatronics Forum International Conference
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A systematic iterative calculation concept was devel¬oped to treat the highly non-linear coupling between deformable bodies in metal forming in an efficient and accurate manner. Special emphasis was put on the coupling of the elasto-viscoplastic strip models of different granularity with the routines for the elastic roll stack deflection, which is a precon¬dition to obtain reliable results concerning strip profile transfer and residual stress and strain distributions inside the strip. The model is well suited for systematic parameter studies to investi¬gate material flow and flatness properties in flat rolling in more detail and to develop enhanced flatness criteria for flat hot strip and plate rolling, which is essential for further mecha¬tronisation, such as model based process optimization and control purposes.