Modeling and Control of a Seven Axes Hybrid Electric/Pneumatic Robot Arm
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82nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
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Passively compliant drive concepts are often used in bio-inspired robot designs. Especially fluidic artificial muscles share many characteristics with their natural counterparts. Industrial manipulators can benefit from the increased robustness and safety (in contrast to rigid drives) especially in cooperative human/robot environments. We compare different model-based control concepts for a single rotational joint actuated by two fluidic muscles in combination with proportional valves. While the complete valve and muscle models are already included in this setup, the mechanical model becomes more complex when we extend the control to a full seven axes articulated robot arm with both, electrically and pneumatically actuated joints. In this case the Projection Equation in subsystem description is used for the multibody model, allowing a straight-forward realtime application to different robot kinematics. Remaining model errors and disturbances are handled by observer algorithms. We present measurement results and compare them to simulation outputs. Besides the position control, possible approaches for sensorless external force estimation are discussed. They take advantage of the compliance of the robot and are again based on the actuator and multibody models.