3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI'11), November 29-December 2, Salzburg, Austria: The aim of this workshop is to discuss the potential and possible application of subliminal techniques employed to counteract the problem of limited cognitive abilities and bounded attention of a driver. To alleviate the cognitive load associated with the interaction with the variety of emerging IVIS/ADAS in addition to the driving task, we assume that subliminal techniques offer high potential to significantly reduce the amount of information to be processed simultaneously. These cues should be provided using appropriate modalities (visual, auditory, tactile/haptic, olfactory, etc.), following the specific nature of the task to fulfill, and according to a driver?s abilities. As research and discussion on subliminal techniques would benefit from a significant collaborative effort from a range of disciplines like engineering, neuroscience, computer science, psycho-physiology, we have invited researchers from these fields to submit their position paper. We are sure that the approach provides exciting challenges, which will significantly impact on society at large, making significant contributions toward a more natural, convenient, and even a relaxing future style of driving.