Nicolas Dupin: Multi-objective optimization of refueling and maintenance planning of nuclear power plants
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Thispresentation deals with a real-world case study of Multi-Objective Optimization from Energy management. Firstly, industrial contextand constraints of electricity production are presented, which isalso nowadays an issue for citizens. Secondly, the optimizationproblem of maintenance planning and refueling of nuclear powerplants is presented with a stochastic mathematical programmingformulation. Thirdly, methodological insights are shown to solvethis complex mono-objective optimization on large scale real-worldinstances. Lastly, multi-objective optimization extensions arediscussed. A first extension dealing with stability in monthlyreoptimization is straightforward and efficient. A robustoptimization extension, taking into account uncertainty inmaintenance durations, can be modeled using bi-level programming; numerical issues induce the use a multi-objective optimization approach as 100% robust solutions can be unfeasible, diversesolutions with different risk/cost are provided along a ParetoFront instead.