1st Workshop on thin film nanostructured thermoelectrics
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Thermoelectricity deals with the direct conversion of heat into electricity and vice versa. Thermoelectric phenomena are currently used in Peltier-coolers, thermometry and in electric generators. All these devices are characterized by the absence of moving parts, which allow maintenance-free operation over long time. In spite of this appealing feature, the limited efficiency of currently available materials has relegated thermoelectricity to niche applications.
Nanostructuring is opening up new opportunities for tailoring the properties of materials. In view of the complexity of the involved phenomena, studies based on simple and well characterized material systems are particularly relevant to advance understanding and to design materials with enhanced thermoelectric performances. Thin-film deposition techniques allow for the fabrication of layered and nanostructured materials with well controlled properties, which can be used as test-benches of theoretical models. However the reliable determination of the thermoelectric parameters of thin films is sometimes challenging.
The aim of this workshop is to provide students with an introduction to the field of thermoelectricity and offer a forum for discussing the fabrication, structural and thermoelectric characterization, and modelling of thin-film thermoelectric materials.