Business Process Management and Routine Dynamics are both interested in how work in organizations is carried out. Business Process Management has its roots in information systems engineering, in particular in workflow design and Petri nets analysis. Routine dynamics is a field of organization science, combining insights from the Carnegie school and practice theory. Due to these different backgrounds, both fields depart from different assumptions, utilize different methods, and have different research foci. Consequently, both disciplines have so far co-existed with only limited mutual exchange, thereby missing the opportunities arising from synergies and cross-fertilization.
The aim of this workshop is to bring both communities closer together and provide a stage for mutual exchange. To facilitate this, we invite conceptual, empirical, and algorithm engineering papers addressing the dynamics of business processes and organizational routines. Different terms have been used to discuss these dynamics in both fields, including process evolution, process change, routine dynamics, exogenous and endogenous change, process drift, etc. We encourage the full spectrum of research methods that the social sciences and computer science offer.
The workshop is planned as a half-day event comprised of the presentations of accepted papers followed by a discussion session to outline directions for future research as well as to promote interdisciplinary collaboration.