Christoph Brabec, Rafael Gomez, Nazario Martin, Serdar Niyazi Sariciftci, Markus Clark Scharber, Jose L. Segura, Vojislav I. Srdanov, Gerald Zerza,
"Photoinduced charge transfer between tetracyano-anthraquino-dimethane derivatives and conjugated polymers for Photovoltaics"
, in Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols, 8-2000, ISSN: 1089-5639, Photoinduced charge transfer between tetracyano-anthraquino-dimethane derivatives and conjugated polymers for Photovoltaics, G. Zerza, M. C. Scharber, C.J. Brabec, N. S. Sariciftci, R. Gomez, J. L. Segura, N. Martin, V.I. Srdanov, J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104, pp 8315-8322
Original Titel:
Photoinduced charge transfer between tetracyano-anthraquino-dimethane derivatives and conjugated polymers for Photovoltaics
Sprache des Titels:
Englische Kurzfassung:
The photo-induced charge transfer between tetracyano-anthraquino-dimethane (TCAQ) derivatives and poly(2-methoxy-5-(3,7-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene) MDMO-PPV was studied by means of photoinduced absorption (PIA) spectroscopy in the VIS and IR spectral region and lightinduced electron spin resonance (LESR) spectroscopy. Three different TCAQ derivatives with alkyl-side chains for increased solubility compared to TCAQ and one of them attached to a C60 molecule serve as strong electron acceptors. The photoinduced absorption in the VIS near-IR range shows a broad plateau around 1.8 eV followed by two peaks at 1.35 and 1.24eV for all three acceptors. All PIA features have a power law excitation intensity dependence with an exponent close to 0.5 as expected for bimolecular kinetics. The modulation frequency dependent excited state absorption decreases with a power law. LESR studies of all donor-acceptor combinations show one radical line at a g = 2.0028 with DH = 3.5 Gauss, originating from TCAQ anion and the polymer cation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols
Notiz zum Zitat:
Photoinduced charge transfer between tetracyano-anthraquino-dimethane derivatives and conjugated polymers for Photovoltaics, G. Zerza, M. C. Scharber, C.J. Brabec, N. S. Sariciftci, R. Gomez, J. L. Segura, N. Martin, V.I. Srdanov, J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104, pp 8315-8322
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