Kurt O. Klepp, Herbert Boller,
"Low temperature Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Reactions of some Complex Transition Metal Chalcogenides"
: Abstracts of Lectures-Abstracts of Posters, 37th IUPAC Congress, 27th GDCH General Meeting, Berlin, 8-1999, ISBN: 3-924763-80-1 / -, A.B.M. Shamsur Rahman, H. Boller, K.O. Klepp: Low temperature Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Reactions of some Complex Transition Metal Chalcogenides; Abstracts of Lectures-Abstracts of Posters, 37th IUPAC Congress, 27th GDCH General Meeting, Berlin (1999) 1045
Original Titel:
Low temperature Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Reactions of some Complex Transition Metal Chalcogenides
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Abstracts of Lectures-Abstracts of Posters, 37th IUPAC Congress, 27th GDCH General Meeting, Berlin
Notiz zum Zitat:
A.B.M. Shamsur Rahman, H. Boller, K.O. Klepp: Low temperature Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Reactions of some Complex Transition Metal Chalcogenides; Abstracts of Lectures-Abstracts of Posters, 37th IUPAC Congress, 27th GDCH General Meeting, Berlin (1999) 1045