Musa Saimon, Zsolt Lavicza, T. Dana-Picard,
"Students' application of integrated skills from mathematics, language, arts, and technology: lessons from students' use of mobile photo editing applications to visualise sustainability concepts"
, in International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 16, 2024
Original Titel:
Students' application of integrated skills from mathematics, language, arts, and technology: lessons from students' use of mobile photo editing applications to visualise sustainability concepts
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
This study presents lessons on students' applications of integrated skills from mathematics, language, arts and technology, and the nature of the relationship among these skills' domains. The lessons were drawn from students' project using mobile device photo editing applications (MDPEAs) to visualise sustainability. Qualitative data were collected from five students' reflections, five documents, and three student groups that were sampled purposively. Data that were collected through document analysis, observation and reflective journals were thematically analysed. Findings show that students' use of MDPEAs enhances their application of skills from mathematics, language, artists and technology. The study conceives an interdisciplinary teaching approach as a catalyst to improve students' learning and application of integrated skills from mathematics, language arts and technology. It also exposes the need for
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
Anzahl der Seiten:
Aufsatz / Paper in sonstiger referierter Fachzeitschrift