Florian Beck, Johannes Fürnkranz, Van Quoc Phuong Huynh,
"When Characteristic Rule-based Models Should Be Preferred Over Discriminative Ones"
: Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Information Technologies -- Applications and Theory (ITAT), Serie CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3792, CEUR-WS.org, Drienica, Slovakia, Seite(n) 52--59, 2024
Original Titel:
When Characteristic Rule-based Models Should Be Preferred Over Discriminative Ones
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Information Technologies -- Applications and Theory (ITAT)
Original Kurzfassung:
In recent years, the interpretability of machine learning models has gained interest. White-box approaches like rule-based models serve as an interpretable alternative or as surrogate models of black-box approaches. Among these, more compact rule-based models are considered easier to interpret. In addition, they often generalize better and thus provide higher predictive accuracies than their overfitting complex counterparts. In this paper, we argue that more complex, ?characteristic? rule-based models are a genuine alternative to more compact, ?discriminative? ones. We discuss why characteristic models should not be considered as less interpretable, and that more included features can actually strengthen the model both in terms of robustness and predictive accuracy. For this, we evaluate the effects on the decision boundary for models of different
complexity, and also modify a recently developed Boolean pattern tree learner to compare a characteristic and a discriminative version on five UCI data sets. We show that the more complex models are indeed more robust to missing data, and that they sometimes even improve the predictive accuracy on the original data.