Gereon Goldbeck, Gerd Bramerdorfer,
"Reducing the Finite Element Analysis Based Electric Machine Simulation Effort to a Sixth without the Requirement of Specific Mesh Settings"
: IECON Chicago, Illinois, November 3-6, 2024, 2024
Original Titel:
Reducing the Finite Element Analysis Based Electric Machine Simulation Effort to a Sixth without the Requirement of Specific Mesh Settings
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
IECON Chicago, Illinois, November 3-6, 2024
Original Kurzfassung:
Electric machine optimization requires the analysis
of hundreds to thousands of design candidates. As usually
inite element analyses (FEA) are applied, this follows high
computational cost and a correspondingly long run time. This
work is about applying a rotor angle dependent symmetry, such
that only 60 electrical degrees are required to be evaluated. By
contrast to the state-of-the-art, the presented research studies
this approach for general and thus asymmetric mesh comparing
the equivalent machine design regions from which the results
are combined. By evaluating the achievable accuracy and
understanding the potential and limits of the applied approach,
this allows for drastically reducing the runtime for future design
and optimization problems by approximately a factor of six.