The Machine Reconnaissance Blind Chess Tournament of NeurIPS 2022
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Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the NeurIPS 2022 Competitions Track
Original Kurzfassung:
Reconnaissance Blind Chess is a game that plays like regular chess but rather than continuously observing the entire board, each player can only momentarily and privately observe selected board regions. It has imperfect information and little common knowledge. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (the game?s creator) and several partners organized the third NeurIPS machine Reconnaissance Blind Chess competition in 2022 to bring people together to attempt to tackle research challenges presented by the game. 18 bots played each other in 9,180 games (60 matches per bot pair) over 4 days. The top bot exceeded the performance of all of last year?s bots yet a practical, sound (unexploitable) algorithm remains unknown.