Philipp Gittler, Robert Kickinger, Stefan Pirker, Ernest Fuhrmann, Johann Lehner, Johannes Steins,
"Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Development and Improvement of Steelmaking Processes"
, in Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy , 8-2000, ISSN: 0371-0459, Gittler Philipp, Kickinger Robert, Pirker Stefan, Fuhrmann Ernest, Lehner Johann, Steins Johannes: Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Development and Improvement of Steelmaking Processes, Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, Editor: J.O.Edström, Vol. 29, 4. August 2000, pp 166-176,
Original Titel:
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Development and Improvement of Steelmaking Processes
Sprache des Titels:
Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy
Notiz zum Zitat:
Gittler Philipp, Kickinger Robert, Pirker Stefan, Fuhrmann Ernest, Lehner Johann, Steins Johannes: Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Development and Improvement of Steelmaking Processes, Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, Editor: J.O.Edström, Vol. 29, 4. August 2000, pp 166-176,