Alexander Stummer,
"ECMAScript?s Pipeline Operator for Graal.js"
, Eigenverlag, 10-2023
Original Titel:
ECMAScript?s Pipeline Operator for Graal.js
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
JavaScript is currently one of the most used programming languages. Due to this fact, the
language is continuously extended by new features. Before those are added, they need
to run through a multi-stage proposal process by ECMAScript, to ensure a standardized
JavaScript version. To allow users to experiment with and test out different proposals, the
Graal.js engine provides experimental features. One of these new proposals is the
pipeline operator, which is currently at Stage 2 and one of the most desired features by
the community. Graal.js operates on the GraalVM through the Truffle language
implementation framework. This enables tooling support and interoperability between
several languages.
This thesis describes the approach to add the pipeline operator to Graal.js as an
experimental feature by using the topic bindings described in the specification. The
pipeline itself is desugared to simplify compilation and maintain good performance.
Furthermore, the implementation is compared to equivalent code without pipelines and
the interoperability with other Truffle languages is explored.