Michael Haller, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, A Min Tjoa, Roland Wagner,
"Integrating Heterogeneous Tourism Information in TIScover - The MIRO-Web Approach"
, in Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Stefan Klein, D. Buhalis: Proceedings ENTER 2000, Springer Verlag, Seite(n) 71-80, 4-2000, ISBN: 3-211-83483-4, Michael Haller, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, A Min Tjoa, Roland Wagner: Integrating Heterogeneous Tourism Information in TIScover - The MIRO-Web Approach, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, ENTER 2000, Barcelona, April 26-28, 2000, Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Stefan Klein, D. Buhalis (Eds.), pp. 71-80, Springer Verlag Wien New York [ISBN 3-211-83483-4]
Original Titel:
Integrating Heterogeneous Tourism Information in TIScover - The MIRO-Web Approach
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings ENTER 2000
Original Kurzfassung:
A broad spectrum of tourism information is already distributed over
various web sites. However, a major problem for the tourist is to find these web
sites and to deal with the differences concerning information presentation and
information access. At the same time, it is not feasible to store every kind of
information a tourist might be interested in at one web site neither in terms of
storage costs nor and even more important in terms of maintenance overhead.
Therefore, in the course of the ESPRIT project MIRO-Web the official Austrian
tourism information and booking system TIScover is extended in order to
federate multiple structured and semi-structured tourism information sources on
the web. In particular, MIRO-Web supports a homogeneous view on these
heterogeneous sources which can be either materialized or defined as virtual.
On the basis of this view, appropriate query mechanisms as well as a web-based
interface provide the user with a single point of access.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Springer Verlag
Notiz zum Zitat:
Michael Haller, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, A Min Tjoa, Roland Wagner: Integrating Heterogeneous Tourism Information in TIScover - The MIRO-Web Approach, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, ENTER 2000, Barcelona, April 26-28, 2000, Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Stefan Klein, D. Buhalis (Eds.), pp. 71-80, Springer Verlag Wien New York [ISBN 3-211-83483-4]