Fast and efficient demultiplexing of single photons from a quantum dot with resonantly enhanced electro-optic modulators
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We report on a multi-photon source based on active demultiplexing of single photons emitted from a resonantly excited GaAs quantum
dot. Active temporal-to-spatial mode demultiplexing is implemented via resonantly enhanced free-space electro-optic modulators, making it
possible to route individual photons at high switching rates of 38 MHz. We demonstrate routing into four spatial modes with a high end-toend efficiency of ? 79% and measure a four-photon coincidence rate of 0.17 Hz mostly limited by the single-photon source brightness and
not by the efficiency of the demultiplexer itself. We use the demultiplexer to characterize the pairwise indistinguishability of consecutively
emitted photons from the quantum dot with variable delay time.