Nicole Halmdienst, Gerald Pruckner, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer,
"Complexities of health and acceptance of electronic health records for the Austrian elderly population"
, in The European Journal of Health Economics, Springer, Seite(n) 53-66, 3-2022, ISSN: 1618-7601
Original Titel:
Complexities of health and acceptance of electronic health records for the Austrian elderly population
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
We examine the personal health situation and how the complexities thereof affect the elderly
Austrians? willingness to accept electronic health records (EHR). Using data from the sixth
wave of the SHARE survey in Austria, we find the complexity of individual health problems
and the social integration of individuals influencing the acceptance of EHR. The higher the
degree of multimorbidity, the more medication is prescribed, and the higher the number of
hospital admissions, the higher is the acceptance of EHR. Having a chronical illness has a
positive effect on EHR acceptance, whereas a pessimistic attitude and lack of joy in life, as
indicators of depressive mood, have a negative impact. The results are mainly driven by
women and younger patients aged between 50 and 70. People with poor social connection
express lower acceptance of EHR.