Frank Riese, Vladimir Herdt, Daniel Große, Rolf Drechsler,
"Metamorphic Testing for Processor Verification: A RISC-V Case Study at the Instruction Level"
: International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), 2021
Original Titel:
Metamorphic Testing for Processor Verification: A RISC-V Case Study at the Instruction Level
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC)
Original Kurzfassung:
Metamorphic Testing (MT) has been shown to be a very effective technique in the Software (SW) domain. MT does
not require a reference model to compare against for testing
but instead relies on Metamorphic Relations (MR) to derive the expected result from relationships between several calls to thefunction under test. An example of an MR is the expectation that the sum of an arbitrary list of integers remain unchanged regardless of it being sorted or reversed. Thus, a key requirement for applying MT effectively is availability of MRs specific to the domain at hand.
In this paper, we propose MT to the domain of processor
verification. As a case study, we consider the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and provide MRs tailored for RISC-V.
For evaluation purposes, we propose an efficient on-the-fly MT framework that integrates the MRs with an Instruction Set
Simulator (ISS). We measure the quality of those MRs by the
number of mutations they kill, also referred to as mutation
analysis. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the MRs to kill all mutations, which confirms our research question that MT is also a suitable technique for the domain of processor verification.