Marko Hapke,
"Pyridines and Benzo Derivatives: Synthesis"
, in Nuno Maulide: Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry IV, Serie Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol. IV, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 12-2021
Original Titel:
Pyridines and Benzo Derivatives: Synthesis
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry IV
Original Kurzfassung:
The organization of the present article leans on the organization implemented in the corresponding articles of the previous
volumes. Within the classes, cyclization reactions are grouped together based on the reaction mechanism, where possible. General
reviews on synthetic strategies for pyridines have been published during this decade, describing advances in the fields of the
renowned construction of pyridines, often coined after their inventor(s), e.g. Hantzsch synthesis; Chichibabin reaction; Bohlmann-
Rahtz synthesis or Kröhnke synthesis. Such contemporary reviews to the topics are in general cited within this article in the
appropriate sections. The preparative approaches toward tetrahydroquinolines have been soundly compiled a decade ago. An
extended overview on the synthetic approaches toward isoquinolines has appeared just after the time line of this overview.
A monography dealing with multi-component reactions (MCR) toward pyridines and less unsaturated derivatives compiled this
rapidly developing area.