Luigi del Re,
"Efficiency Improvement of Nonlinear Actuators by Cascade Model Approximations"
: Tagungsband IFAC Workshop on Motion Control for Intelligent Automation, Perugia, 1992, IFAC, 12-1992
Original Titel:
Efficiency Improvement of Nonlinear Actuators by Cascade Model Approximations
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Tagungsband IFAC Workshop on Motion Control for Intelligent Automation, Perugia, 1992
Original Kurzfassung:
Many actuators are inherently nonlinear. If linear controls are used, the installed energy can be used only partially, if some boundary conditions like absence of overshooting have to be respected. This paper discusses the advantages in terms of efficiency of using a linear-bilinear model and the differential geometric approach respect to the classical linear approach. The efficiency is expressed both in terms of cycle time - related to the rise time - and in terms of energy consumption. It is found that the nonlinear approach allows a double production rate with the same installed power.