Michael Garstenauer, Rudolf Scheidl,
"Fast Hydraulic Switching Valves - Key Components for the Introduction of Switching Techniques in Oil Hydraulic Drives"
: Proceedings of the 3rd International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium on Mechatronic and Advanced Motion Control, Paderborn, Germany, Seite(n) 281-294, 5-1999, ISBN: 3-931466-48-5
Original Titel:
Fast Hydraulic Switching Valves - Key Components for the Introduction of Switching Techniques in Oil Hydraulic Drives
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the 3rd International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium on Mechatronic and Advanced Motion Control, Paderborn, Germany
Original Kurzfassung:
Mechatronic systems designers demand compact, high speed, high power and energy efficient actuators for their products. Hydraulics offers many of these properties, but what is missing are control concepts that achieve high dynamics and high energy efficiency at reasonable system costs. The two dominant basic hydraulic control concepts are compared and both concepts show significant weaknesses. Switching type power converters, which are well known in power electronics, show promising features to implement these demands. A new converter type, the so called resonance converter, is investigated both analytically and experimentally. Key component for the commercial implementation of switching type converters are high speed valves. A new valve design well suited decrease switching times by a factor of one hundred compared to existing valves is proposed.