Tobias Malzer, Hubert Rams, Bernd Kolar, Markus Schöberl,
"Stability Analysis of the Observer Error of an In-Domain Actuated Vibrating String"
, in IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 5 (2021), Nummer 4, Seite(n) 1237 - 1242, 9-2020, ISSN: 2475-1456
Original Titel:
Stability Analysis of the Observer Error of an In-Domain Actuated Vibrating String
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
In this paper, the behaviour of the observer error of an in-domain actuated vibrating string, where the observer system has been designed based on energy considerations exploiting a port-Hamiltonian system representation for infinite-dimensional systems, is analysed. Thus, the observer-error dynamics are reformulated as an abstract Cauchy problem, which enables to draw conclusions regarding the well-posedness of the observer-error system. Furthermore, we show that the observer error is asymptotically stable by applying LaSalle?s invariance principle.