Wolfgang Schreiner, William Steingartner,
"Visualizing Logic Formula Evaluation in RISCAL"
, Serie RISC Report Series / Technical report, RISC, JKU, Hagenberg, Linz, 7-2018
Original Titel:
Visualizing Logic Formula Evaluation in RISCAL
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
We report on initial results concerning the visualization of the evaluation of logic formulas that are formulated in the RISC Algorithm Language (RISCAL). Such formulas usually represent propositions that are supposed to be true; examples are mathematical theorems or verification conditions of algorithms that have been formally modeled and specified in RISCAL. The visualization is intended to aid the user to understand the truth value of a formula, in particular in those cases where a formula is unexpectedly not valid. To this aim, the visualization of a formula consists of a pruned evaluation tree that depicts exactly those evaluation branches that contribute to the overall truth value.