Wolfgang Schreiner, William Steingartner,
"Visualizing Execution Traces in RISCAL"
, Serie RISC Report Series / Technical report, RISC, JKU, Hagenberg, Linz, 3-2018
Original Titel:
Visualizing Execution Traces in RISCAL
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
We report on initial results concerning the visualization of execution traces of algorithms that are formally specified and modeled in the RISC Algorithm Language (RISCAL); these algorithms are executed and visualized in the associated software system which also validates their correctness by checking the satisfaction of the formal contracts. This work has been stimulated by corresponding visualization of Jane, a language with an associated toolkit that has been developed to demonstrate the categorical semantics of programming languages. By the new visualization extension of RISCAL, the suitability of the software for the purpose of computer science education shall be improved.