Miriam Enzi, Benjamin Biesinger, Sebastian Knopp, Sophie Parragh, Matthias Prandtstetter,
"Planning Shared Corporate Mobility Services"
, in Domokos Esztergár-Kiss, Tamás Mátrai, János Tóth, István Varga: Transportation Research Procedia (20th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2017, 4-6 September 2017, Budapest, Hungary), Vol. 27, Elsevier, Seite(n) 270-277, 2017
Original Titel:
Planning Shared Corporate Mobility Services
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Transportation Research Procedia (20th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2017, 4-6 September 2017, Budapest, Hungary)
Original Kurzfassung:
In a corporate context, individual mobility of employees is often addressed by ?owning cars? instead of ?using mobility??at least in Austria. Therefore, the national research project ?SEAMLESS?Sustainable, Efficient Austrian Mobility with Low-Emission Shared Systems? aims at providing novel company mobility services considering private and business trips. The idea is to shift from owning overdimensioned and underutilized cars towards using sustainable and flexible mobility offers including car pools, bike sharing, taxis, and/or public transportation services. The goal is to achieve a more efbcient utilization and possibly a reduction of the company fleet as well as a significant CO2 reduction by fostering the usage of the aforementioned alternatives. In order to achieve this, not only business culture and employees? perception have to be investigated but also a thorough technical support must be provided. Within the model presented in this work, we focus on fulfilling the original mobility demand by incorporating alternative mobility modes such as shared (e-)cars and bikes, or public transport. At the same time, side constraints related to e-mobility (e.g., temporal load distribution to avoid peaks on the energy grids) are considered. The resulting models aim at combining different well-known and so-far mostly individually considered problems Lke electric vehicle routing with time windows, fleet size and mix, vehicle-to-tour assignment, battery load management, and general fleet management operations. In this work, we will report on first mixed integer linear optimization models focusing on multimodal mobility and fleet management.