Aicke Hinrichs, Christoph Aistleitner, Daniel Rudolf,
"On the size of the largerst empty box amidst a point set"
, in Discrete Applied Mathematics, Nummer 230 C, Seite(n) 146-150, 2017, ISSN: 0166-218X
Original Titel:
On the size of the largerst empty box amidst a point set
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
The problem of finding the largest empty axis-parallel box amidst a point configuration is a classical problem in computational geometry. It is known that the volume of the largest empty box is of asymptotic order $1/n$ for $n\to\infty$ and fixed dimension $d$. However, it is natural to assume that the volume of the largest empty box increases as $d$ gets larger. In the present paper we prove that this actually is the case: for every set of $n$ points in $[0,1]^d$ there exists an empty box of volume at least $c_d n^{-1}$, where $c_d\to\infty$ as $d\to\infty$. More precisely, $c_d$ is at least of order roughly $\log d$.