Alexander Ahammer, Gerard Thomas Horvath, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer,
"The Effects of Income on Mortality - New Evidence for the Absence of a Causal Link"
, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society), 2017, ISSN: 1467-985X
Original Titel:
The Effects of Income on Mortality - New Evidence for the Absence of a Causal Link
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
We analyze the effect of income on mortality in Austria using administrative social
security data. To tackle potential endogeneity concerns arising in this context, we estimate
time-invariant firm-specific wage components and use them as instruments for actual
wages. While we do find quantitatively small yet statistically significant effects in our naïve
least squares estimations, IV regressions reveal a robust zero-effect of income on ten-year
death rates for prime-age workers, both in terms of coefficient magnitude and statistical
significance. These results are robust to a number of different sample specifications and
both linear and non-linear estimation methods.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society)