Martin Stabauer, Gerald Quirchmayr, Johann Höller,
"An Integration of Software Engineering Methods and Semantic Technologies for Drafting and Modeling Statutes and Legal Rules"
, in David Perry: Proceedings of the 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Serie Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series (CRPIT), Vol. 159, Australian Computer Society/ACM, Sydney, Seite(n) 9-15, 1-2015, ISBN: 978-1-921770-41-8
Original Titel:
An Integration of Software Engineering Methods and Semantic Technologies for Drafting and Modeling Statutes and Legal Rules
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015)
Original Kurzfassung:
The semantic representation and modeling of legal texts has for a long time been a significant research challenge. While approaches from both, software en- gineering and semantic modeling, have led to impres- sive results, some gaps are still remaining. This paper tries to bridge the gap between generalizability and applicability by combining semantic modeling with traditional software engineering processes.
A framework for drafting legislation was imple- mented in OWL, SWRL, various web-based technolo- gies and Java using the Jena framework. Links to external ontologies were made via semantic relations, following the principles of linked open data. A base model including ontologies, semantic rulesets and ad- ditional algorithms were developed and amended by a general development process for implementing diverse fields of law.
The base model and process suggested in this pa- per were then tested in an extensive case study, which clearly documented the approaches benefits, such as increased efficiency of the modeling process, auto- matic consistency checking, compatibility with estab- lished standards in legal semantics, and the reusabil- ity of base classes underlying the developed models. The case study addresses curricula based on Austrian legislation in depth, which are exemplarily covered as a whole.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Australian Computer Society/ACM
Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series (CRPIT)