Evelyne Glaser, Gerhard Reber, Werner Auer-Rizzi,
"The Development of Professional and Social/Intercultural Competencies in the MGB/ACT Program"
, in Ilse Born-Lechleitner, Evelyne Glaser: Interkulturelle Kompetenz: vermitteln, erwerben, anwenden, LIT, Wien und Berlin, Seite(n) 97-134, 1-2015, ISBN: 978-3-643-50624-5
Original Titel:
The Development of Professional and Social/Intercultural Competencies in the MGB/ACT Program
The article provides an outline of students' development of social and intercultural competence that is best achieved by supporting the students through mentoring and by enticing them to reflect on their learning experiences. Additionally, the learning effects are enhanced when combining theory and practice.