Hrg. Laura Sacerdote, Massimiliano Tamborrino,
"Leaky Integrate and Fire models coupled through copulas: association properties of the Interspike Intervals"
, in Chinese Journal of Physiology, Vol. 53, Nummer 6, Seite(n) 396-406, 2010, ISSN: 2666-0059
Original Titel:
Leaky Integrate and Fire models coupled through copulas: association properties of the Interspike Intervals
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
We propose a model able to describe the Interspike Intervals of two or more neurons subject to common inputs from the network. The single neuron dynamic is described through a classical Leaky Integrate and Fire model, but the model also catches the joint behavior of two neurons resorting to the use of copulas. Copulas are mathematical objects largely used to describe dependencies laws. Syn- chronous and delayed dependencies are considered by means of a set of examples. Results are discussed making use of crosscorrelograms.