Goal Oriented Smart Watches for Cyber Physical Superorganisms
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Ubicomp'14 Adjunct, September 13 ? 17, 2014
Original Kurzfassung:
We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since
technology became integrated into wearable things that
can be traced back to the early 1500s. This earliest forms
of wearable technology were manifested as pocket
watches. Of course technology changed and evolved, but
again it might be the watch, now in form of a wrist worn
smart watch, that could carve the way towards an always
on, large scale, planet spanning, body sensor network.
The challenge arises on how to handle this enormous scale
of upcoming smart watches and the produced data. This
work highlights a strategy on how to make use of the
massive amount of smart watches in building goal
oriented, dynamically evolving network structures that
autonomously adapt to changes in the smart watch
ecosystem like cells do in the human organism.