Thomas Ernst Passenbrunner, Luigi Del Re,
"Constrained Optimal Control of Multi-Dynamometer Internal Combustion Engine Test Benches"
: American Control Conference, Seite(n) 1499-1504, 6-2014
Original Titel:
Constrained Optimal Control of Multi-Dynamometer Internal Combustion Engine Test Benches
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
American Control Conference
Original Kurzfassung:
Dynamical internal combustion engine test
benches are commonly used in automotive development to
enforce reproducible operating conditions for testing and calibration.
The associated control problem consists in tracking
simultaneously speed references and torque references and can
be described in terms of a nonlinear optimal control problem.
In most cases, only one internal combustion engine and one dynamometer
are used, either an electrical dynamometer or a hydrodynamic
dynamometer, each offering different advantages.
In some cases, a so called tandem configuration is meaningful,
using a small electrical load machine for baseline operation
and a hydrodynamic dynamometer for peak demands, or vice
versa. Due to the asymmetric properties of the hydrodynamic
dynamometer, the problem cannot be stated directly in terms
of a Hamilton-Bellman-Equation, but needs an extension. This
paper presents such a solution based on a nonlinear mapping
of the asymmetric input constraints and a dynamic extension to
the state of the system and examines the usefulness of such an
approach. Measurements at a test bench are used to evaluate
the performance of the proposed control approach for typical