Klaus Miesenberger, Gerhard Nussbaum, Roland Ossmann,
"AsTeRICS: A Framework for Including Sensor Technology into AT Solutions for People with Motor Disabilities"
, in Georgios Kouroupetroglou: Assistive Technologies and Computer Access for Motor Disabilities, IGI Global, 8-2013, ISBN: 9781466644380
Original Titel:
AsTeRICS: A Framework for Including Sensor Technology into AT Solutions for People with Motor Disabilities
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Assistive Technologies and Computer Access for Motor Disabilities
Original Kurzfassung:
We outline the potential of sensor technology for people with disabilities and those people with motor disabilities in general. First we describe how people with disabilities interact with the environment using specialized Assistive Technologies (AT) to interface modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) via the standardized Human-Computer Interface (HCI). We discuss the state of the art and emerging sensor technology and how it enhances the potential of AT facilitated interaction with ICT/HCI regarding two domains: a) Sensor technology embedded in the environment providing flexible and adaptable means of interaction and b) sensor technology for better, more flexible and efficient application of skills of people with disabilities as AT solutions.
Based on this analysis we advocate for changing AT practice in terms of assessment and service provision but also R&D to recognize the extended potential provided by sensor technology to exploit so far unused or neglected skills of users. We underline the need to make AT solutions more flexible, adaptable and affordable. We argue, in view of the potential of sensor technology, that there is an increasing need for an efficient software framework allowing an easy integration of sensor technology into AT solutions or even individual AT service provision.