Evelyne Glaser,
"Cultural awareness and behavioural change in international exchange students: a qualitative approach to testing theories on psychological and sociocultural adaptation"
, in Róbert Péter: "Gazdaság és morál: tiszta társadalom, tiszta gazdaság" Kautz Gyula Emlékkonferencia 2012. június 12., Serie Kautz Gyula Gazdaságtudományi Kar Eseménynaptára, Vol. elektronikus formában megjelen, online publication, Györ Ungarn, 12-2012, ISBN: 978-963-7175-78-7
Original Titel:
Cultural awareness and behavioural change in international exchange students: a qualitative approach to testing theories on psychological and sociocultural adaptation
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
"Gazdaság és morál: tiszta társadalom, tiszta gazdaság" Kautz Gyula Emlékkonferencia 2012. június 12.
Original Kurzfassung:
This article starts with a critical reflection on student exchange programmes and discusses different models of students? psychological and sociocultural adjustment in the host culture. It outlines the different needs they may have to adapt to cultural and behavioural norms and points out the limitations of traditional exchange programmes.
In a further step, the article provides insights from a long-term study on a special format of student exchange, the ACT/MGB programme, which brings together students from three (or more) different continents. This format comes close to meeting the European Commission?s objectives concerning cultural, (inter)personal and language learning during exchange programmes.