Wolfgang Schlöglmann,
"What do students expect a mathematics teacher to know and be able to do?"
, in G. H. Gunnarsdottir, F. Hreinsdottir, G. Palsdottir, M. Hannula, M. Hannula-Sormunen, E. Jablonka, U. T. Jankvist, A. Ryve, P. Valero, & K. Waege: Proceedings of NORMA 11, University of Iceland Press, Reykjavik 2012, Seite(n) 565-575, 2012
Original Titel:
What do students expect a mathematics teacher to know and be able to do?
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of NORMA 11, University of Iceland Press, Reykjavik 2012