Jakob Kapeller, Bernhard Schütz, Stefan Steinerberger,
"The impossibility of rational consumer choice - A problem and its solution"
, in Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 23, Nummer 1, Seite(n) 39-60, 2013, ISSN: 1432-1386
Original Titel:
The impossibility of rational consumer choice - A problem and its solution
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
In this paper we show that a rational consumer choice along the lines traditionally suggested might lead to paradoxical results if one considers multidimensional goods, which incorporate a series of incommensurable aspects. Thereby, we explore the similarity between the resulting paradox and Kenneth Arrow?s well known Impossibility Theorem. Based on these considerations we suggest a solution for the former problem along the lines of Herbert Simon and Amos Tversky, which might?if driven to its extreme?even provide a unique and arguably rational solution for consumer choice among multidimensional goods. Eventually, we argue that the resulting framework poses a potentially useful starting point for further developing an evolutionary theory of consumer choice.