David Schellander, Simon Schneiderbauer, Stefan Pirker,
"The poly-disperse hybrid-model EUgran+, simulating particle agglomeration, separation and filtration"
: 11th World Filtration Congress 2012, Seite(n) G24, 4-2012
Original Titel:
The poly-disperse hybrid-model EUgran+, simulating particle agglomeration, separation and filtration
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
11th World Filtration Congress 2012
Original Kurzfassung:
In process industry particulate flow handling is very important. The aim of simulating particulate flow is one of the actual top level research topics. Driven by the wish for a readily available and predictive description of these processes many mathematical models for simulating dense and dilute particulate flow have been proposed.
Among these models Eulerian and Lagrangian based particle models are most common. These models have been additionally augmented by sub-models in order to picture effects like particle rotation, rough wall reflections or inter-particle collisions. In 2010 a new Hybrid-Model, called EUgran+ was introduced (1). This Hybrid-Model is based on an Eulerian granular model. EUgran+ uses additional information from Lagrangian tracer particles. New in (1) is the combination of the Eulerian and Lagrangian model, so that EUgran+ is useable for dense and dilute particulate flows. The Hybrid-Model was revised in (2) and optimized for cases with dense and dilute particulate flow regions in one geometry.
In this paper the EUgran+ model is adapted and prepared for dense and dilute poly-disperse particulate flow simulations.