Markus Resch, Rudolf Scheidl, Norbert Gstöttenbauer,
"High Pressure Capabilities of Slender Squeeze Gaps of Magneto-Rheological Fluids"
, in Prof. Monika Ivantysynova, in International Journal of Fluid Power, Vol. 11, Nummer 2, Seite(n) 25- 36, 1-2010, ISSN: 1439-9776
Original Titel:
High Pressure Capabilities of Slender Squeeze Gaps of Magneto-Rheological Fluids
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
In the last decade ample of academic and industrial research work in the area of magneto-rheological fluids
(MRF?s) has been done. Most of the concepts and products developed in this time period (e.g. MRF brakes
and clutches) feature a shear mode operation. Hence a majority of the published work is addressing this
mode. Nevertheless, the MRF squeeze mode becomes more and more attractive (for damping applications for
instance) due to its higher reachable force densities compared to the other modes.
In this paper attainable MRF squeeze mode pressures for very small squeeze gaps are experimentally
investigated. For squeeze gaps down to few hundredth of a millimetre the mean squeeze pressure reaches
nearly 100bar.
On the other hand, especially in the squeeze mode, the problem of MRF segregation occurs. In this work
three different methods to avoid or to reduce this phenomenon are experimentally tested and discussed.
Finally, a simplified analytical relation for the MRF squeeze mode pressure characteristics is presented and
compared to experiments. This comparison shows that the analytical model predicts the MRF squeeze
pressures with a satisfactory accuracy such that it can be used for dimensioning purposes.