Robert Aiken, Paul Leng, Jörg Mühlbacher, Michael J. Shave, Helmut Schauer,
"Interactive Seminars using the WEB: An International Experience"
: Teleteaching, Distance Learning, Training and Education, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, 1998, 9-1998, ISBN: 3-85403-120-3, Mühlbacher J.R., Leng. P.H., Shave M.J., Schauer H., Aiken R.M.: Interactive Seminars using the WEB: An International Experience, Band: "Teleteaching, Distance Learning, Training and Education, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, 1998, Ed. Gordon Davies, 869-875 - Auch veröffentlicht im Syspro-Report 65/98 (Mai 1998)
Original Titel:
Interactive Seminars using the WEB: An International Experience
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Teleteaching, Distance Learning, Training and Education, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, 1998
Original Kurzfassung:
Our goal is to support and encourage interactive group discussion among students from different universities in what we call Internet Seminars. In an Internet Seminar students and teachers from different universities cooperate via the Internet to work and discuss a common subject. We discuss both the positive aspects and drawbacks of this approach based on our recent experiences. For the students benefits include: experiencing different "cultures", using the Internet for various purposes, and having access to different "experts". For teachers the workload can be distributed, material from past seminars can be reused, and interactions with students can lead to more in-depth discussions.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Notiz zum Zitat:
Mühlbacher J.R., Leng. P.H., Shave M.J., Schauer H., Aiken R.M.: Interactive Seminars using the WEB: An International Experience, Band: "Teleteaching, Distance Learning, Training and Education, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, 1998, Ed. Gordon Davies, 869-875 - Auch veröffentlicht im Syspro-Report 65/98 (Mai 1998)