Klaus Miesenberger, Franz Pühretmair,
"Help.gv.at - Accessibility e-Government in Austria"
, in Pruski, Alain, Knops, Harry: Assistive Technology: From Virtuality to Reality - AAATE 2005 (Assistive Technology and Research Series), Vol. 804, IOS Press, 8-2005, ISBN: 1586035436
Original Titel:
Help.gv.at - Accessibility e-Government in Austria
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Assistive Technology: From Virtuality to Reality - AAATE 2005 (Assistive Technology and Research Series)
Original Kurzfassung:
We will present the central and most important e-government portal of
Austria, help.gv.at, which is hosted by the Austrian chancellery. This portal offers
services at all levels of administration (federal, regional/provincial and
local/municipal) and is therefore the key access point to public online information
and services. Additional partners like chambers are invited to use and integrate
their services into the system. Due to the importance of this web portal design
open for all citizens regardless of a disability or other special needs is of critical
importance. The growing awareness and legal requirements towards accessibility
led to a project to make this key access point to public administration highly
accessible and usable. From the first steps of concept finding till the final technical
implementation and user evaluation accessibility, "design for all" and usability are
key criterias for the new help.gv.at portal.