JobOlize - Headhunting by Information Extraction in the era of Web 2.0
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies (IWWOST 2008), Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, July 14, 2008
Original Kurzfassung:
E-recruitment is one of the most successful ebusiness
applications supporting both, headhunters
and job seekers. The explosive growth of online job
offers makes the usage of information extraction techniques
to build up, e.g., job portals in a semiautomatic
way a necessity. Existing approaches, however,
hardly cope with the heterogeneous and semistructured
nature of job offers nor do they consider
potentials offered by Web 2.0 technologies. This paper
proposes an information extraction system called
“JobOlize”1, realized for arbitrarily structured IT job
offers. To improve extraction quality, a hybrid approach
is employed, combining existing NLPtechniques
with a new form of context-driven extraction,
incorporating layout, structure and content information.
To allow users a proper adaptation of the
extraction results while preserving the look and feel of
the original Web pages, a rich client interface is provided.
The improvements in extraction quality are justified
on basis of a case study and the experiences
gained are generalized and critically reflected by discussing
lessons learned.