Martin Blöchl, Wolfram Wöß, Andreas Langegger,
"Registration of Heterogeneous Data Sources in the Case of the Grid Semantic Data Access Middleware (G-SDAM)"
: Austrian Grid Symposium 2006, OCG, 2006, Martin Blöchl, Andreas Langegger, Wolfram Wöß: Registration of Heterogeneous Data Sources in the
Case of the Grid Semantic Data Access Middleware
(G-SDAM), Austrian Grid Symposium, OCG 2006
Original Titel:
Registration of Heterogeneous Data Sources in the Case of the Grid Semantic Data Access Middleware (G-SDAM)
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Austrian Grid Symposium 2006
Original Kurzfassung:
G-SDAM is a semantic data mediation middleware for Grids which allows the integration
of multiple data sources using different data structures and semantics. While traditional data
integration requires all data sources to follow common rules concerning the structure of data (and
even more, requires the users to have knowledge about the structure of each single data source to be
accessed), the G-SDAM approach allows a seamless and transparent view on distributed data. Local
data sources as well as users accessing those data can both be part of Virtual Organizations since
G-SDAM is planned to build upon the Globus Toolkit.
The enabling element of the middleware is ontologymanagement including mapping between different
data models (e.g. relational models, hierarchical file systems, and also ontologies itself) to a global
OWL-based ontology database residing on a Global Repository Node (GRN). The GRN acts as the
gateway to the distributed data sources. Queries can be composed in SPARQL using global semantics
which can be seen as a common language. Without an agreement on facts and terms, seamless data
integration would not be possible. For each application domain there will be different global semantics
defined by domain experts. Ontology versioning support and further requirements concerning
security, copyright issues, data provenance, etc. are also addressed by the G-SDAM approach.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Notiz zum Zitat:
Martin Blöchl, Andreas Langegger, Wolfram Wöß: Registration of Heterogeneous Data Sources in the
Case of the Grid Semantic Data Access Middleware
(G-SDAM), Austrian Grid Symposium, OCG 2006