Werner Portugal, Siegfried Spiessberger,
"Optimierung operativer und administrativer Prozesse in Bildungseinrichtungen"
, 1-2005, Siegfried Spiessberger, Werner Portugal: Optimierung operativer und administrativer Prozesse in Bildungseinrichtungen untr besonderer Berücksichtigung der IT-Unterstützung bei der Standardisierung von Lernerfolgskontrollen, Dissertation Universität Linz 2005, 224 Blatt
Original Titel:
Optimierung operativer und administrativer Prozesse in Bildungseinrichtungen
Sprache des Titels:
Englischer Titel:
Process optimisation in educational institutions with focus on IT-supported examination standards
Englische Kurzfassung:
Goals of this doctoral thesis are putting together approaches to increase process effectiveness and efficiency in educational institutions by means of IT-support and developing a method to measure transfer of knowledge. Focus is set on processes to control knowledge transfer; herein referred to as examinations.
The authors model a characteristic process for execution of examinations from operationalizing learning objectives to maintaining test questions.
Based on the requirements resulting from the modelling process the application iTest has been implemented.
In analysing the typical demand for processing classical exams 2,100 teachers from various educational institutions in Austria took part in a questionnaire. Results of this survey are average time needed to prepare, execute and evaluate exams and data hinting to the current rate of IT-support at examinations.
Examination requirements are understood as agreements on objectives between teachers and students. Standardization as well as IT-support for examinations is not suitable for all knowledge domains. However, examinations screening whether facts have been memorized seem to be qualified best.
As a method to verify the transfer of acquired knowledge the authors developed an approach called inverse knowledge transfer measurement. The authors are set to proof an incremental shift of knowledge within Bloom categories for practical experienced knowledge.
To allow for an efficient procedure of examinations the authors are modelling an environment that they call Testcenter. The data generated from the Testcenter is supposed to deliver a foundation for validation on their approach towards inverse knowledge transfer measurement.
Notiz zum Zitat:
Siegfried Spiessberger, Werner Portugal: Optimierung operativer und administrativer Prozesse in Bildungseinrichtungen untr besonderer Berücksichtigung der IT-Unterstützung bei der Standardisierung von Lernerfolgskontrollen, Dissertation Universität Linz 2005, 224 Blatt